Tue., April 18, 19:00 –

Ai Hasegawa - (IM)POSSIBLE Speculations


Tue., April 18,


19:00 JST


BioClub Tokyo





Ai Hasegawa will come and visit BioClub for an in-person Artist Talk. Ai is one of the most intersting and challenges artists working on the intersections of Art, Design and Research. Ai’s work include amongst many others the (Im)possible Baby, I Wanna Deliver a Dolphin and the Mt. Fuji Eruption Tea Ceremony.

Please join us in-person or online for the Artist Talk.
For BioClub Tokyo./Georg Tremmel

More about Ai

Ai Hasegawa produced many works putting emphasis on subjects relating to technology and people with employing techniques such as Bio Art, Speculative Design and Design Fiction. She obtained degree of MA in 2012 from Design Interactions Course, Royal College of Art in Britain; worked as researcher at Design Fiction Group, MIT Media Lab from 2014 to fall of 2016; took degree of MS in 2016; serving as Project Researcher at The University of Tokyo since April 2017 ; won Excellence Award at Work Art Division in 19th Japan Media Arts Festival for her work titled "(Im)possible Baby, Case 01: Asako & Moriga"; hold exhibitions within and outside Japan including at MORI ART MUSEUM and Ars Electronica. Ai published a design education book “Revolutionary20XX”.
