Sat., August 11 – Wed., July 11

Listen to the bugs, and eat them too - Bugs Summer Night Festival


Sat., August 11 – Wed., July 11

Right in the middle of summer! We will be putting on an bug eating/listening summer night festival before the Bon festival.

At this event, you can enjoy eating bugs while listening to them together with Dorita, a sound artist who works with bugs, and Takemura Masato from FabLab Hamamatsu who even goes searching for bugs overseas. That person who is well known for being knowledgeable about insects may even come on the day of the event! On the day of the event, you can experience "Bugs Beat," a work by Dorita where you can listen to the footsteps of the bugs through sound and vibration and hear about her work process. Takemura will be giving a lecture on how insects are bodily composed, and how to eat them. There will be many other guests related to bugs as well. It will be a night of listening to bugs, cooking bugs, and learning about bugs. For those of you who are interested in the relationship between humans and bugs and the culture surrounding this relationship, this is an event not to miss.

Date: August 11th, 2018 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: FabCafe MTRL
Entrance fee: 1000 yen (includes a drink)
Dorita (Artist)
Takemura Masato (FabLab Hamamatsu chairman)
...and more!

Art and brain wave measurements (reservation only)
From 5:00 pm
From 5:20 pm
From 5:40 pm
From 6:00 pm
Spots will be filled on a reservation basis. Please get in contact with what time below works for you.
Contact address:

For this event, I would like you all to try something new. I would have you try to measure your own brainwaves while listening to the footsteps of bugs. There are many people who have their impression of bugs change just by listening to their footsteps. They cease being scared by them, and start to treat them as living creatures from sensing their movements. On the other hand, there are some people who become terrified, perceiving these bugs as being much bigger than they really are. What could ever be happening inside your brain as you are listening to these bugs? Part of it is my own curiosity, but I also hope that everyone can notice a change in themselves through measuring their brainwaves. Apparently, a similar change occurs when eating the bugs as well. Through eating the bugs, you make them part of your body, forcing you to recognize them and change your view of them. I wonder how all of you will find this experience. (Dorita)

Bug's Beat is (the below is taken from the artist's official site)

The footsteps of bugs are normally imperceptible to the human ear. Bug's Beat magnifies these footsteps, directly sending it to your ears using directional speakers, and having your chair shake with each step thanks to the vibration speakers. It's an experience that has you feeling the sounds with your entire body. In contrast of how small bugs are (visual), you can hear their large footsteps (auditory) and feel the bugs through vibrations (bodily). A dissonance will occur between your sense of sight and the full-body hearing that occurs from a combination of your normal sense of hearing and your bodily sensation. Your brain will get confused from this sense of scale between your own body and that of a much smaller creature. An experience combining life and sound to create a new sensation and a new perspective through sight and sound. (Sasaki Yumi + Dorita)

Dorita(Dorita Takido)

Artist/designer/director/musician Based in Tokyo. Focuses on creating new experiences through combining differing types of senses with sound at the center, such as "sight" and "taste," or "hearing" and "sight." She creates art pieces that work together technology with design. She has received the STARTS PRIZE, as well as awards at Ars Electronica, the Japan Media Arts Festival, and others both inside and outside Japan. Along with receiving these prizes, she also has her works shown in exhibits.

Masato Takemura

FabLab Hamamatsu  Sponsored by TAKE-SPACE(

Bug's Beat is (the below is taken from the artist's official site)

The footsteps of bugs are normally imperceptible to the human ear. Bug's Beat magnifies these footsteps, directly sending it to your ears using directional speakers, and having your chair shake with each step thanks to the vibration speakers. It's an experience that has you feeling the sounds with your entire body. In contrast of how small bugs are (visual), you can hear their large footsteps (auditory) and feel the bugs through vibrations (bodily). A dissonance will occur between your sense of sight and the full-body hearing that occurs from a combination of your normal sense of hearing and your bodily sensation. Your brain will get confused from this sense of scale between your own body and that of a much smaller creature. An experience combining life and sound to create a new sensation and a new perspective through sight and sound. (Sasaki Yumi + Dorita)
